Drew, Interactive Media Student.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Living The Dream... weaver.

It was great to be back in college this week, as I mentioned previously I have been looking forward to getting to grips with Dreamweaver and having a dabble on the internet.

I have uploaded an initial index page on my website which is http://www.drewellis.co.uk/ and I will be having a further look at it and putting some more info on it over the weekend.

It was a really tense morning in class on Wed as it was time to get our marks on the Back to Basics assignment. The morning was spent discussing how we felt about the past semester before knowing our grade; this revealed that most people were pleased to have come so far and to have a quarter of the course under their belt.

Personally I couldn’t believe it when I realised I had done a quarter of the course now.

After break the results were up and I was pleased to see that I had passed on the assignment in one respect but then I realised that there was a referral on a couple of sections in my research. I was very disappointed with myself as I had tried really hard to get it right first time.

So I was a bit anxious after finding out I had some changes to make to find out what these changes were. After I was told I was quite relieved as it really was a case of printing off some work that I had done but forgotten to submit and also making an adjustment to a paragraph in my written work.

In the afternoon we learnt the basics of starting a website on Dreamweaver, this was interesting and I was pleased to find that we moved through it at a good pace. I have found that in the past when learning to use computer software not everyone has been quite at home on a computer so you could feel the benefit of being in a group of people who all can keep up.

I am now going to get on with making a more substantial index page to have temporarily.


At Monday, January 22, 2007 at 10:23:00 PM GMT, Blogger J.Milsom said...

Hey Drew, I must admit that I haven't really looked at your blog before, but I must say that your work is fantastic. The grass Roots design's look really good, and very attractive. I'll look forward's to seeing it up and running online.

At Tuesday, January 23, 2007 at 6:42:00 PM GMT, Blogger Craig Burgess said...

I like the index page Drew on your homepage.

I get the feeling that there will be a lot of pride flying about when everyone finishes their builder assignment.


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