Drew, Interactive Media Student.

Sunday, October 07, 2007

Interactive Media Position - Revisited

I found the previous exercise very useful as it has refreshed my memory on the things that I need to consider when looking for employment.

Writing about my strengths and weaknesses gave me chance to take a step back and analyse myself and the way I work. Personally I dislike writing about myself in this way knowing that it will be read by everybody as I don’t like to come across too self confident but it isn’t an occasion to be modest when applying for a job, you have to be ruthless.

Given that I had these feelings I still feel I did the task justice. I felt that the best way to address the weakness point was to put a positive spin on it also as not to talk the employer out of employing me.

When it came to writing about my hero I decided to go with one of heroes in the design world as I am not very familiar with people in the web design industry so this has highlighted for me that this is something that maybe I should brush up my knowledge on. This was backed up when I had to mention a new technology that I was excited about. My knowledge on this area was limited and so I had to mention CSS3 as this was something we had recently learnt in class.

Going forward I will have to extend my knowledge, hopefully this is something that would happen naturally anyway as I continue to be involved in the industry.

Overall though I feel that I completed the task with success and am pleased with the response that I gave.


At Tuesday, October 9, 2007 at 8:27:00 PM GMT+1, Blogger Scott Dunwoodie said...

You're right Drew when applying for a job you have to shout out all the positives, as you are selling yourself and you have a very short period of time to make an impression on the interviewer.


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