Drew, Interactive Media Student.

Friday, April 27, 2007

Back In Action

So it was our first week back to college after our extended Easter break. I was looking forward to getting back although I did miss having that mid week lie in that I have been treated to over the past 3 weeks.

I was really pleased with myself because I had reached the target I had set myself with regards to what work I had planned to get finished, I think this is a first, and so I was really pleased with myself.

However when I got to class it soon dawned on me that I hadn’t been as organised as I had thought because I hadn’t produced my time plan. Luckily I had sprung out of bed early so I had chance to quickly get this done, although the official line is that I had already produced it the day before.

The day started off with a chat amongst the group which acted as a bit of a brief to the last stretch of the term and the year. This was a really good thing to do I feel as it gave everyone the opportunity to ask any questions they had and clear up any loose ends.

After break we then had a lecture on preparing artwork for print, this was a really useful subject to have a lecture on, not only because it is relevant to the project but the subject is definitely going to be cropping up in anyone’s life later on who plans on getting into design, so definitely one to remember.

I was really pleased with the information that was provided as it backed up some of the knowledge I already had and provided a little extra.

In the afternoon we were then able to continue work on our projects, this was a relief as the deadline is fast approaching.

However I do feel that I am on track to complete this one on time I think that I will need to spend some time this weekend going through the brief and make sure I have everything done right.

Overall its been a good week, glad to be back in the action.


At Friday, April 27, 2007 at 4:29:00 PM GMT+1, Blogger Dean said...

The talk about bleed was especially useful as this was the number one thing that nobody did when I used to deal with 'print ready' work.

It is also a difficult thing to explain to people and I thought Steve did a good job using the slides to relay that across to anyone who hasn't heard about it before.

At Friday, April 27, 2007 at 8:45:00 PM GMT+1, Blogger Marc Pugh said...

I had to add the bleed on all of my designs, as it had slipped out of my mind. I should have read the assignment brief more often than I admit doing. The lecture refreshed my mind. I never thought about the people who cut these out for a living are only human aswell. It would only ytake one of them to miss a few mm and your designs would be ruined. Bleed is a necessary part of design.


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