Drew, Interactive Media Student.

Friday, February 02, 2007

Capital Drew

This week was the week we made our group trip down south to London. I had been really looking forward to the trip as I really enjoy London as a city getting around on the underground all the big landmarks and places to go and things to do.

Unfortunately the reason that we were going; to visit the Tate Modern, was not a success as when we arrived we found that the exhibitions were all closed. This was a big disappointment for everyone.

The exhibitions that were on looked really interesting which was like a double blow as I have visited the gallery twice before and the exhibitions had never been oh as much interest as these.

However we had the opportunity to go on the big slide which was great fun, I’m not sure I would call that art but then we are all entitled to our own opinion. What I would suggest is that the artist try to make the ride a little bit smoother, I felt like I’d been gone down a flight of stairs rather than a slide.

In the afternoon we did our own thing so being the expert on London, having visited twice in the past two years, I set off with most of the class in behind and took us round So Ho and then with a happy accident to Oxford Street. Once there I was straight into the shops so most of the others hit the pubs.

Later on after the shopping we met in the pub and decided we would try and go to Piccadilly Circus and Covent Garden but after a long walk round the block trying to find the tube we decided to split up as there wasn’t much time. Again we found ourselves in Covent Garden which was lucky.

Overall I did really enjoy the trip unfortunately though I didn’t get much culture or shopping but then you can’t have everything. At least it was a good bonding experience for the group.


At Saturday, February 3, 2007 at 1:22:00 AM GMT, Blogger Craig Burgess said...

I've seen a couple of people say that now - they couldn't find a Tube stop. How can that happen?!

There's practically one at the end of every street.


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