Drew, Interactive Media Student.

Friday, February 09, 2007

Don't chat about what you don't know!

This week had a different feel to for me. During the week I had received an email from Steve saying that the group who had attended the Design Mechanics were to give a presentation first thing on Wednesday.

At the time of the visit we were told this would be the case, but to be honest, I’d forgotten.

This resulted in many emails going backwards and forwards between the four of us; Ben, Craig A, Craig B and me.

Eventually we decided on a format and who would discuss which points. We never got chance to rehearse our presentation so I was quite pleased when it all went quite well. Apart from a few of us stepping on each others toes regarding our subject matter… sorry Craig B. It seemed much easier talking about a subject that was of my own experience.

So that went well and we got quite a good response from the rest of the group. This made me feel great that I hadn’t been too nervous and much more confident in my presentation skills.

We then had a task in our groups to talk about what questions we will have on our user test questionnaires.

The 3 Amigos (me and the HNC group) decided it was best practice to ask open ended questions that began with; How, Where, When, Who, What or Why.

It became quite a hot topic for debate when it came to the big reveal and everyone was putting there proposed questions on the big screen. It turns out that we should aim for a medium of Qualitative and Quantative questions. I felt that this was great that as a great we were able to have a discussion like this without it getting petty and immature.

Following this we were then given a lecture on how to build a Form page on Dreamweaver. This was really interesting and Steve made it look quite simple and straight forward, later blog entries may reveal that I have changed my opinion so don’t hold me to it.

In the afternoon, after lunch, we worked on our projects. I always appreciate this opportunity as it gives us chance to see where everyone is up to and get advise and opinions from each other.

I this week got some help from Dean as usual but also Ben and Craig A lent a hand. I ironed out some problems I was having and I now have my home page finished so please check it out and let me know your thoughts.


That concludes this weeks broadcast presentation.


At Friday, February 9, 2007 at 4:36:00 PM GMT, Blogger Dean said...

Your presentation was very good and if you remember I asked you afterwards if you had rehearsed it which you hadn't but it seemed like you all had. This was a good example of teamwork and worked really well, even answering questions we asked as if you had worked at Design Mechanics for years. It could have only been made better by sewing up the pockets of the 4 giving the presentation.

At Friday, February 9, 2007 at 5:47:00 PM GMT, Blogger Ben Waller said...

Yes I thought that our presentation went much better than I expected it too bearing in mind it was the first time that we had all done it in front of each other. I felt that it definately helped that we knew much more what we were talking about compared to the last presentation as we were talking about something that we had experienced first hand.

At Friday, February 9, 2007 at 9:09:00 PM GMT, Blogger Marc Pugh said...

Your presentation went very well I thought. I was surprised that non of you looked over nervous. The information you gave was very inspiring, and I am glad that we had the presentation. It gave everyone who didn't go on the trip an idea to how real design companies work.

good job

At Sunday, February 11, 2007 at 12:05:00 PM GMT, Blogger Craig Burgess said...

It's amazing how less nervous you feel when you really know what you're talking about.

That was the the main reason why I felt nervous last time with the colour presentation, because I didn't feel I knew my subject matter too well.


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